Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm not even going to bother trying to explain the intricate, complex, mind-bending plot. Or talk about the stunning visuals and awesome action scenes. Or the fine acting from a superb cast. Or the wonderful cinematography, production design, editing and music.

What I will say is: Inception is an amazing film and an absolute must-see on the big screen.

It's perhaps not quite the all-action spectacular that the trailers indicated it to be, and I may have fallen victim to slight over-hyping, but the fact remains that this is the best film released so far this year and likely will only get better with repeated viewings. Most of the criticisms I've heard stem from the "confusing" plot - in reality, the story isn't too hard to follow provided you pay attention, although some of the more detailed nuances can be a little hard to grasp at first. Ultimately it doesn't matter; it's so exciting that you won't care.

This now means that Christopher Nolan has made seven truly great films out of seven attempts. Why doesn't he have an Oscar already?

VERDICT: Just go see it. Now!

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

2010 So Far

So, we're already half way through 2010 (yikes) and I haven't written a single film review. Oops.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a quick rundown of everything I've seen so far this year. Sadly I have managed to miss quite a few big films this year through poor timing/apathy/general laziness...

The Book of Eli

Fairly standard post-apocalyptic stuff with a genuinely surprising ending... albeit one that brings the logic of the entire film into question.

VERDICT: Entertaining if implausible.

The Road

More post-apocalyptic fare. Tense, gripping, beautiful, wonderfully acted, but also possibly one of the most unrelentingly depressing movies I've ever seen.

VERDICT: Definitely worth seeing as long as you're in the right mindset.

Up In The Air

A genuinely funny and moving comedy-drama, well-deserving of its Oscar nominations. It's also pretty much the perfect role for George Clooney.

VERDICT: A great film, watch it.


I have to say, if I was going to make a biopic of Nelson Mandela with possibly the most ideally-suited actor for the role in Morgan Freeman, I wouldn't have chosen to focus on the Rugby World Cup. As it turns out Invictus tries too hard to make everything seem more dramatic than it really was, and the result isn't really that interesting anyway. Freeman's accent also wanders around quite erratically.

VERDICT: A bit dull, to be honest.

Shutter Island

A tense, intriguing, Hitchcockian thriller featuring some fine acting, editing and cinematography. I do wish I hadn't seen the trailer though, as it meant that I could work out the ending a mile off.

VERDICT: Well worth seeing, but avoid the trailers!

Alice in Wonderland

To be honest, I didn't see the point. Even Tim Burton didn't seem interested, there was hardly any of his trademark style on display here. The converted 3D wasn't as bad as I expected but still seemed pointless. How did this make a billion dollars?

VERDICT: Forgettable.


The title pretty much says it all. I had so much politically-incorrect fun I saw it twice.

VERDICT: Kick-Ass. (I couldn't help myself!)

Clash of the Titans

An inoffensive but ultimately slightly dull remake of a frankly terrible 1981 "epic". At least the original was entertaining in its awfulness, this was just forgettable (and clear rewritten during filming). I intentionally avoided the apparently disastrous 3D conversion.

VERDICT: It passes the time, but that's about it.

Iron Man 2

I actually enjoyed this more than the original, much to my surprise. I do however admit that it's a whole heck of a lot sillier (to the point of absurdity at times, which does undermine the generally serious approach of the original), and the final battle is over before it even starts, but overall I had a lot of fun. Maybe I just liked all the RoboCop 2 references.

VERDICT: Really fun entertainment.

Prince of Persia

Another video game adaptation, another terrible film. The dialogue and acting were truly painful, and Gemma Arterton seems to have wandered in from the set of Clash of the Titans and decided to continue playing the exact same character...


Robin Hood

After hearing some decidedly mixed reviews I was very pleasantly surprised by this. A new approach to the story, exciting battle scenes and a surprising amount of humour made for a very enjoyable film, and I would genuinely like to see a sequel. Not sure we'll get one, though...

VERDICT: Definitely worth a watch.

And that's it... only 11 films. This must easily be the most lacklustre start to a year I can remember. Thankfully it's only a couple more weeks until Inception hopefully kicks things into gear...

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Googling

It's only a matter of time...

It's the first in a five-part series, all of which are worth watching - check them out on Youtube...

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